Greening Spotify – my 2 years as a sponsor of climate neutral goal at Spotify

Setting climate neutrality as a long term goal

Suddenly the moment came. I was working as a technology director for the Spotify mobile platform department. It was fall 2017. My new manager Tyson wanted to kick off his new leadership team and as part of that we wanted to formulate north star goals, a common practice in a purpose driven company like Spotify. I was expecting the usual stuff from a platform department, around productivity, internal customers, speed and stuff. 

Spotify Sustainability report 2019 – the year climate became a company concern

And then Ramon, project manager for the ongoing Google cloud migrations, says something like: Google cloud is running on green energy, could we not have a goal around that? 

Is this the moment? No one speaks up. Are we ready? Could I finally find a situation where I can make an impact on an issue so important, to the world, and to me personally?

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What I did and learned at Spotify

I’m leaving the band, I’m going solo.
Thanks for these 6 years Spotify,
lots of fun, lots of hard work, so many lovely people,
so much done and so much learned.
Here’s some of the most important stuff I did,
and learned on this tour,
which I will bring with me on my new tour,
as a contractor, trainer and author.

Contractor, Trainer & Author at

I joined as an agile coach,
but ended up driving coaches out of the teams,
and managers into the teams: scrum master as manager,
the missing piece in the Spotify model (never but a dream anyway).

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Pärlor i Padjelanta

Tidigare publicerad i Utemagasinet 06.2014 under rubriken Det vackraste i Padjelanta.

Jag vet närmast exakt plats och tidpunkt när vi bestämde oss för att vi måste prova att vandra i Padjelanta. Vi satt runt ett fullsatt bord i en av stugorna i Singi. I rummet surrade det av liv och stugvärden hade just varit inne och berättat att vi nog måste lägga fram madrasser på golven. Kanske suckade någon litet, kanske var det en av oss. Visst är det fantastiskt med den sociala samvaron och energin i en fullsatt stuga. Det är något vi uppskattar, men samtidigt vandrar vi ju också i fjällen för att finna enskildheten. Inte stångas med andra i överfulla stugor. Inte gå i samlad trupp på leden. Inte jaga till nästa stuga för att paxa bästa rummet eller sängen.

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